It's the most common question we get. “What's the story behind the sign on the door?” It's a little odd. Particularly unexpected for a retail shop. But our story is a little odd too - and the sign on the door is a big part of it.
FERAL's Front Door

Let's just say - we didn't start where we're at. If you've discovered FERAL in the last 4 years, you might not know that the store you visited isn't our original shop. We started back in 2016 in a small bungalow that used to be located at 4320 Tennyson St. 

The Original FERAL

If you're from Denver - you might already know where this is going.

Yes, we lost our original building to a development project.

Don't worry. There are no villains in this story. 

In short, we were in a tight spot. The loss was a bit unexpected, and we simply couldn't afford to move. We were cooked.

Or so we thought. 

I made a decision. Or put differently - I put the decision in our community's hands. I couldn't afford the cost associated with the move, build-out, and increased costs associated with transitioning to a new space. We were growing, but just not fast enough.
So we asked for the community's vote. It was a simple notion. If the Berkeley neighborhood thought the shop was worth keeping - we asked them to vote with their dollar. We didn't ask for a hand out, but rather that customers pre-buy gift cards to a new FERAL shop in return for a lifetime discount and a little bonus on that gift card.
I didn't know what to expect. And then… holy smokes.
The support rolled in - and in 30 days - we had the funding to build the shop that you see today. Now here we are. Growing in our dream building, in our dream neighborhood, in our dream city. My wildest dreams coming true every day. And we couldn't have done it without every single one of those individuals that supported us in our darkest moment.

So - this isn't my shop. This is YOUR shop. You built this. I wanted to be reminded of that every time I walked in the front door. And I wanted you to know it every time you come to visit.
So that's the story behind the sign on the front door. It's a large part of FERAL's story - and a tiny part of the Berkeley neighborhood's story. And I appreciate every time I get an opportunity to tell it.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.
With appreciation,

Jimmy Funkhouser
Owner | Founder

Jimmy Funkhouser
Tagged: FERAL Stories